Ben Kingsley unwittingly procures the body of Ryan Reynolds in this 2015 science fiction dud
Released: 2015 Run time: 116 Mins Director: Tarsem Singh Rated: PG13
Stars: Ryan Reynolds, Ben Kingsley, Natalie Martinez, Matthew Goode, Victor Garber, Derek Luke
An ailing billionaire undergoes an experimental procedure called “shedding”. Damian Hale (Sir Ben Kingsley, Gandhi) is introduced to a Doctor Albright (Mathew Goode, Watchmen), who helps to stage a public death. Albright then transfers Damian’s consciousness into a younger, healthy body. Damian is prescribed a medication to prevent side effects from the procedure, one being hallucinations, by Albright.
Ben Kingsley
If you are a student of film you can pretty much predict what act two will be. Damian begins a lavish new life in New Orleans as Edward Kidner and does what any aging man that defies death and is given a strong, young, handsome and wealthy new body: sleeps with lots of women. He becomes so preoccupied with this lifestyle that he forgets to take his medication and has a vision of a woman and child.
Damian questions the visions to Albright, but the answer he receives leads to more questions. Damian begins to investigate and discovers that a man he befriended in New Orleans, Anton (Derek Luke, Antwone Fisher) actually works for Albright and was placed in his life to watch over him. He also discover that the body that he purchased was not an empty clone, but a soldier named Mark Bitwell. Mark, in act of desperation to pay for his daughters extensive medical bills, sold his body. Mark’s wife Madeline Bitwell (Natalie Martinez, Under The Dome) believed him to be dead.
(Left to right) Matthew Goode, Ryan Reynolds
Albright turns out to be a Professor Jenson, the ‘Godfather” of shedding and took the body of Albright who was a student of his. When Damien/Mark confronts Albright/Jensen of this revelation he is told that the pills are actually a suppressor of the original subconscious, permanently fading over time.
Damien plays the role of Mark for Madeline and his daughter and attempts to protect them from Albright/Jenson and his thugs. He ultimately has to decide whether or not he will sacrifice himself or Mark in the end.
Natalie Martinez
Academy Award winner Sir Ben Kingsley is an exceptional actor. Ryan Reynolds is very charming. This movie is neither exceptional or charming. With lackluster scenes and a non-inspiring plot, not much to remember. Streaming on Netflix.
In Retrospect ★★☆☆☆